8 Weeks of Code: A summer mission internship for computer coders, graphic artists, and software designers, working together to build open-source software to accelerate global Bible Translation.


8 Weeks of Code provides an opportunity to learn the Agile/Scrum methodology, learn from mentors, and learn from each other. You will also gain software development experience guided by seasoned professionals and worship God through your talents.


Challenges relevant to Bible translation will be presented. Choose a problem that inspires your team. How you choose to solve it will be up to you.


You will be working together in a collaborative experience. The solution that you create will be reflective of your unique group’s talents and design.


During 8 Weeks of Code you will be learning, living, and serving together to accelerate global Bible translation. You will take away shared experiences and a new network of relationships with fellow participants and professionals.

At least 1.3 billion people don't have the full Bible in their own language.

7,000 languages are in the world, but only 2888 have even just some Scripture.

Only 531 languages have the complete Bible.

8 Weeks Of Coding with a Mission

Planning the Day's Work
Planning the Day's Work
Weekend Shuffleboard Fun
Weekend Shuffleboard Fun

8 Weeks of Code is a summer internship mission program, for software developers, programmers, and designers, ages 18 to 25, to build software and mobile Android apps for Bible translation.

You're studying computer programming or software engineering in college. You're also feeling a call to serve the Lord this summer on a mission trip. Why not use your skills to do both?

We'll be working together for eight weeks to build working software to accelerate Bible Translation. We'll begin each week with collaboration and creation of goals and end with opportunity to present and review the accomplishments. Each day, every team member will have the opportunity to provide feedback on their progress so far, their next steps, and raise any questions that they have along the way.

Throughout 8 Weeks of Code guides and mentors will be available to the project members. Special guests will be featured who will provide guidance, inspiration, coaching, and feedback to the group.

Special events are also planned during the week and weekend. These are optional, but provided to add a variety of bonding and recreational activities both on the Wycliffe campus and in the greater Orlando area.